Apr 23, 2012


Some flags I learned to like while knowing more about their symbologies and histories, other were love at first sight... Barbados is the second case. However, it's not just a beautiful design, but a beautiful symbol, too.

Imagine what a Caribbean paradise flag should be, and Barbados' might be it. The colors: blue from the sea, gold from the sand. A layout that's simple and powerful below the mighty sun. The symbol: a trident. It would be the Neptune attribute, but has a more meaningful origin.

When Barbados was a British colony, it used to have a Brittania in badge. When the island became independent, addopted "a half trident", representing the autonomy from British Crown. But, so, the fact that makes me more fascinated about this country: it's still in Commonwealth!


  1. This is a great idea! I look forward to future posts. And you're right, Barbados has an excellent flag, probably my favorite of all the Caribbean nations.

    1. Thank you! Follow this blog, I've already posted something new, and I'll try ever to present updates.

  2. The Caribbean has a lot of good flags-this being top notch.

    1. Of course, Dennis!
      CuraƧao, Aruba, Antigua and Barbuda, the former Republic of Anguilla... It's just time question to be seen in this blog.
      I thinks it's because the Caribbean landmarks give a lot of inspiration.


Every comment is greatly welcome!